How was 2017 for you? ………..

The good, the bad and the indifferent?

Have to say that for a whole variety of reasons, 2017 has not been a stellar year and I for one am very glad to be leaving it behind. But all that aside, I can still list a few highlights, there is always something positive to be found if you look hard enough.

So, here are a few of my highlights from 2017:

1) Volunteering on a regular basis, with a local homeless charity and becoming part of an amazing team of people. This has opened my eyes to some of the realities of rough sleeping. It has also shown me some of the skills, attitudes, heart and dedication needed to work with this client group.

Feel inspired and reinvigorated by the Team I work alongside, both those employed and the other volunteers and pleased to be able to support the work they do. I am getting  more out of this than I am giving and it’s a real privilige to be able to serve.

Really important if you work from home, largely by yourself.

2) Making the decision to move forward with my writing and enrol on a two-year programme, where I am required to attend actual classes on a weekly basis. Having started and failed to complete online, distance learning writing courses I decided I really needed to be physically with people. I also wanted to set aside regular blocks of time to write and be with other writers.

This I’m sure, will take my writing to another level as I share and receive what’s been so far, constructive, honest and helpful feedback.

I’ve also committed to writing, 500 words per day for the rest of the course.

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3) Reviewing and pruning my networking activities both on and offline, some I have decided to leave behind and others I’m trying afresh. I am a huge fan of networking and building sustainable and beneficial relationships, but I realised towards the end of 2017, that some were no longer serving me well. I needed to be a bit more focused and careful about how I was spending my time.

In fact, some of the new events, perhaps because they are more in tune with what I offer, and my approach have already resulted in a couple of interesting conversations for me to follow up with in 2018.

Additionally, I also decided to engage more with my contacts on LinkedIn and Twitter rather than leave them, gathering dust. Making the decision in 2017 to follow up each new LinkedIn contact with a message of welcome. Can’t believe I never thought to do this before, but my instincts tell me that doing this consistently will yield results.

4) Receiving an unexpected, but very welcome email from a longstanding corporate client, which I have followed up and will be meeting with very soon. It has been almost two years since we’d last had any contact.

5) Having my coaching clients find me through my website and LinkedIn, I’ve had the privilege of working with individuals who are making plans to move away from traditional employment, so they can start running their own businesses. Exciting times and reminds me of how I optimistic I felt when I started my own business Blue Sky Career Consulting, almost eighteen years ago.

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6) On a completely different note, and this happened right at the end of 2017, being picked from the audience to play Reverend Janice and perform the wedding ceremony between Prince Charming and Cinderella at our local pantomime, Cinderella and the Beanstalk.

Just made me laugh so much and it was a great way to finish the year. So here’s to 2018, whatever it might bring.

Until next time

Janice Taylor

About careerresilience

Career Coach and Writer at Blue Sky Career Consulting. I love to write and am currently juggling three different blogs. On a mission to discover how people can thrive and flourish in life and work.
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